Friday 12 May 2017

Out with the sour

Spring is a time of indrawn breath and pursed lips as the uninitiated take a bite of these green shiny fruit and wince at their sourness, or wonder what to do with the furry almond they have politely popped into their mouths to please a neighbour.  It takes a while, but once you have lived here for a while, salty sourness is a welcome taste as the rest of the year is going to be sweet, sweet, sweet.  If there are any left on the trees, the green plums (erik) will be turning pink and the almonds (çağla) will  be developing their shells.  Strawberries are already spilling over the market stalls and the first cherries will soon be affordable (it is never worth paying the arm and a leg for the first fruits). Before long we will be overwhelmed with the sugar rush that a ripe yellow melon or squidgy peach provides and will look back and yearn for the sharp clean taste of a Spring.


  1. There were green almonds on my trees when I was in Spain...I enjoyed biting into them..but just a few each day.

  2. I'm acquiring a taste for erik ... but only a few at a time. The sweetness of summer is ahead! I'm actually strawberry'd out and need my next fruit fix.

    1. I hope there are strawberries left - I haven't made my jam yet

  3. I miss all the delicious fruit that tastes like it is supposed to taste. I rarely even bother to buy fruit here.

    1. Even in Greece, the fruit doesn't taste as good

  4. . . don't care what you say, green erics are bloody awful! The fact that my tree is stripped before I get a chance at ripe fruit is a bone of serious contention.

  5. Love the salty, sour cagla, so miss the wonderful fresh produce at home, enjoy for us, Ozlem xxx

    1. That's because you have taste - explain it to Alan

  6. B to B, Definitely an acquired taste and we haven't managed to even get close to yet. But every weekend during the spring, groups of giggling youngsters raid our plum trees - to each their own! Afiyet olsun we say.

  7. You'll get there. It's like Ayran - one minute you hate it, the next you love it.
